To pay your annual membership dues online through Zeffy.

To avoid fees, on the payment screen click other and enter zero where it shows the fees.

Non-Profit, Retail, Financial, Professional, Utility, Friend, Schools, Additional Businesses- To pay your annual membership fee renewals online, click here.

Industrial, Out of Town and Healthcare Facilities - To pay your annual membership fee renewals online, click here.

Annual Membership Fees

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Education: Educational institutions including: city, private, schools, colleges, and universities. Base is $430.00 Annual

Financial:  Banks, credit unions, and other savings institutions. Base is $455.00 Annual

Friend of the Chamber: Individual members invested in the St Marys Chamber of Commerce. Any individual real estate agents, lawyers, or others within a corporate entity existing member organizations. Base is $85.00 Annual.

Health Care Facilities: Hospitals and Nursing Homes. Base is $430.00 plus $1.35 per employee Annual

Industrial: All industries and manufacturing companies. Base is $410.00 plus $1.60 per employee Annual

Non-profit: Encompasses all non-profit organizations (501c) including government offices with less than 10 employees. Base is $95.00 Annual.

Professional:  Law, real estate, medical offices, accounting firm, insurance companies, funeral home, or financial advisor. Base is $300.00 Annual.

Utility: Phone, cable electric, sewer that are nor a department of a government entity. Base is $555.00 Annual.

Retail and Service: Retail, wholesale, service, media, construction, agriculture, hotel, childcare/daycare, auto dealers, food service and fuel stations.   0-25 Employees Base is $245.00,    26-75 Employees Base is $270.00,    76+ Employees Base is $320.00 Annual.

Home Based Business: A business with no employees and is operated form the owner's home. Base is $120.00 Annual.

Membership in the St Marys Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. shall be open to all individuals, businesses, and organizations in the ccity of St Marys and surrounding communities.  Memberships shall be classified as follows:

Active Membership:  Encompasses all individuals and firms who desire membership in the St Marys Area Chamber of Commerce and invest in said organization in their firm or business capacity per the current membership investment schedule.

Associate Membership:  May be granted to any civic-minded individual who desires membership in the St Marys Area Chamber of Commerce and invest in said organization as an associate member per the current membership investment schedule.

Each member or designated representative, regardless of membership classification (active or associate), is entitled to one vote in elections and meetings and may sit on the chamber board of trustees.  However, only active members or designated representatives thereof are entitled to hold offices.  An individual or non-profit member that wishes to hold an office on the executive board of trustees must select either a business, non-profit professional, healthcare,  financial, industrial, utilities or education category to define his/her membership.

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