Using Your Membership

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Marketing is very important for businesses in today’s market place. According to Business Experts, marketing should be considered an investment in your business, not an expense. Repetition is the key to marketing because it can take up to 9 times for someone to see your advertising before you are remembered. Plus, there are so many ways to market your business today from social media, search engine marketing/optimization, online banner ads, websites, billboards, print ads, radio and television.

Are you taking advantage of your marketing benefits as a Chamber Member? We have several affordable and some free ways for you to promote your business through your membership in the St. Marys Area Chamber of Commerce.


Published three times a month, the newsletter is free to members so send us your events and announcements. The newsletter is sent to more than 250 people. Simply send us your news, anniversaries, etc

Business After Hours, Wake-Up St. Marys, Open Houses, Business Roundtable or Special Events 

A great way to promote your business, its products and services, is to host an event at your business location. The Chamber has many ways we can help you promote your event and reap big benefits in helping with your attendance. Call or email Angie for more information on this program.

Special Hint for attending Chamber Functions – Use Chamber meetings and events to market your business (bring your business cards). As a member, you are invited to all Chamber functions.

Marketing Opportunities 

Drop off your promotional materials to the Chamber office and we will display them at the office.

Business Spotlight

We feature New Members for Free in our “Welcome New Members” Section of our newsletter and we highlight a business on our Membership Mondays on Facebook and Instagram.

Chamber’s Membership Directory and St Marys Area Chamber Web Site

Listing in our business directory on with a link to your website. 

Listing of your business events on the Chamber’s Calendar of Events.


Most Effective use of your membership

One of the best ways to promote your business through your chamber membership is by getting involved. Serve on a committee, volunteer for chamber events and activities, help out with special functions, attend large meetings such as the Annual Banquet, Ribbon Cuttings, Business After Hours, Business Roundtable Discussion, Winter Dreams, SummerFest, Annual Golf Outing, Seminars and the Puck-I-Huddle Fall Craft Show. Make new friends and promote your business at the same time!

NETWORKING is a BIG benefit that the Chamber can offer. All you have to do is show up and be ready to introduce yourself.

We have seen many people grow their business successfully through Networking via St. Marys Area Chamber of Commerce.

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